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Recovering An Adjudicated Amount

If an adjudicator has awarded you an amount of money in a determination made under the Security Of Payment Act NSW, known a the “Adjudicated Amount”, the respondent has 5 business days to pay.

If the respondent fails to pay the adjudicated amount you are entitled to enforce the determination.


Changes To Security Of Payment Act NSW For Residential Owner Occupiers

As of 1 March 2021 building and construction contractors in New South Wales can make a claim for their work under the Building And Construction Industry Security Of Payment Act 1999 (NSW) against owner occupiers for work carried out at the residence where the home owner resides or intends to reside.


COVID19 Pandemic Does Not Limit The Powers of Security Of Payment Act NSW

The world is in the grip of the most deadly pandemic in over 100years.

Now more that ever in these uncertain times the Security Of Payment Act NSW ensures claimants have a pathway to recovering monies they are owed for building and construction work in NSW.


Amendments To SOPA NSW Commenced 21 October 2019

Key amendments to the Security Of Payment Act NSW come into effect for all NSW building & construction contracts entered into on or after 21 October 2019

What does this mean for you?


Security Of Payment Act NSW Updates

Stay up to date with all of the Security Of Payment NSW News and Caselaw developments that affect your business.